Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Romeo, Romeo where fore art thy Romeo....

Deny thy father and refuse my name if thou wilt not be but sworn my love. Pre-Ike we met Romeo. Romeo is a dog that terrorizes all being things in my mom's neighborhood. We are not really sure what the dogs name is but Mom named him Romeo due to his need to hump all things. This included Jack (RIP). Jack was a 160-180 pound half lab half great dane gentle giant. Romeo is a Chihuahuaish type dog. If I had video footage of this I could probably retire. We all kind of liked Romeo because he feared nothing and it was amusing to watch him hump Jack. Jack would just kind of laugh it off as if he were saying. Is he really serious? Romeo came by daily. He even made an appearance at Mom's 60th surprise part at Anne and Larry's house. KC had himself a good old time and decided that he was tired of Romeo trying to mount him and take advantage of him. In KC's best tipsyish way he tried to fend Romeo off. Romeo bit him. I laugh as I write this because it was beyond HILARIOUS!! I wish you all could have seen kc's face and reaction. priceless. Well post-ike Romeo remained MIA for a while. But sure enough HE'S BACK.... and he has a friend that he travels the streets with peeing in people's yards, humping people and their owners and just generally reeking havoc. Perhaps we should put a video camera on his coliar and see what a day in the life of Romeo consists of and if he has an owner. It would be worth it. Hopefully I will be able to get a picture of him soon.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

15 months

Well Elle Belle,

You are 15 months old. You continue to grow and get smarter and smarter. You are such a joy! You are running and climbing EVERYWHERE!! You are talking more and more some things we can't understand but the words you use regularly are clear as day. Your new favorite is HOT and you say it with authority. You still love the puppies and Bob the most. They are so good with you that I really can't believe it.You are mesmerized by other kids. You love to watch them. This was your second year to attend Mardi Gras festivities and you did it like a champ. You went to parades for both weekends of Mardi Gras. You were excited and danced as the bands went by. You wore your beads and partied like a champ. When the parade was over. You kept looking for more and then waved bye bye to the parade. The second weekend of Mardi Gras The NJ Buerglers were here with us! Eva and Johnny loved Mardi Gras also. You had a wonderful time. Mommy is counting down the weeks until Spring Break and Summer. We are gonna have a blast! This week I stayed home with you and you continually tried to tell me different things that i didn't understand. NaNa was thrown in there several times and then you would get frusturated. I think you were saying. I know it is a weekday and this is not how meemom does things-get it right woman. I am doing my best pootie girl. We love you so much!

P.S. My little vegetarian finally ate some meat. Meemom made rock cornish game hen and you ate it. You also ate a little bit of her chicken!

P.P.S. Pics to follow

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

If Your Kids are Sick Don't Send Them to School PLEASE!!

I got the worst sore throat that I have ever had in my 33 years alive. Saturday night after my migraine kind of faded my throat was a little itchy. By the time I work up on Saturday. I can't swallow a thing. It feels like there are tacks in the back of my throat. I beg/plead and bribe my kids to cover their coughs and sneezes and wipe their noses and use sanitizer and most importantly WASH THEIR HANDS WITH SOAP AND WATER. I even teach them the cute little song.
Wash wash wash your hands
wash them nice and clean.
Rub the tops, rub the bottoms and fingers in between.
(Row row row your boat tune)
Try it. It's catchy.
Most of them try. Some of them sneeze and cough right in my face without even realizing it.It is a constant battle between sick germs and myself.I want to protect the kids as well! I normally do OK but when they get me they kick BUT!! and this got me!
I need to be well by this weekend for Mardi Gras! It would also be nice to be able to teach my class with a voice! Parents out their around the world, although it might be inconvienent let your sick babies stay home.

Mrs. Buergler

Monday, February 1, 2010

Happy Birthday Uncle Bain!

Me: "Hey Casey. How is it going"?

KC: "Fine what are you up to?"

Me: "Going to Mom's to get the girl. Do you have a cold? You don't sound so good?"

KC: "Can I call you back in 30 minutes? No, I don't have a cold I am napping on the couch at work again"

Me: "Awesome" jealous


About Me

I married the love of my life and high school sweetheart, David, on 6/12/04. I am the mother of baby Elle(born 11/18/08), Lily Grace, (4/26/11) , Grant( 5/14/14),3dogs (Lupe, Bruce and Nina ) . Blessed to have my dream job as a kindergarten teacher❤️