I can honestly say that I am in pure astonishment that you are already a year old. You are already an unbelievable daughter and little person. You have such a funny little personality. You are so strong willed and determined. You want what you want when you want it. I respect that but also think that sometimes you can't have what you want. You are the sweetest little thing to ever walk the face of the earth. You share kisses with all of the people(especially Uncle KC) and animals that you love. You also love to pat me, daddy and meemom as well as the dogs and cats. You have made a drastic improvement with the pets. You pat instead of ripping hair out most of the time. Your best friend and best teacher is your MeeMom. You absolutely adore her and everything that she does. She has taught you so many things that I can't believe it. Including how to climb up and down stairs something that gives mommy a little anxiety. She also helped you master walking and now you try to run Meemom has taught Mommy a lot about being a Mommy as well. We still LOVE to roll as FrancesX 3. We have so much fun! Your favorite word remains to be Bob (AKA Buddy the bud man buergler). That is fine. You also say Mom, Dad, NaNaNiNi (Meemom) and a few other things but not consistently. You eat lots of stuff (apples, pears, peaches, plums, strawberries, bananas, green beans, peas, beats, brown rice, couscous, cottage cheese, tofu, crackers, toast, eggplant, zucchini, squash, spinach, apricot, kiwi, yogurt and more. Yet avocado and cantaloupe remain as your favorites! You are growing and changing every day. If I ask you where is KC, or meemom or dad, you know right where to look. If I ask you where is buddy or bruce or Lupe you know the difference and look at the correct animal. Crazy. You are such a little sponge and we are blown away by you. Your daddy was explaining his love for you like this. He said that a mommy loves her baby from the beginning of the pregnancy. But for Daddy he was excited about the pregnancy and he loved you when you were born but he can't believe how much more he loves you each day. He is amazed by the way his love grows and grows. I am too. Elle you are such a delight even when you are a fussy pants. You can light up a room with those eyes and that smile. I adore you and am so amazed by all of your accomplishments. I can't believe that it has been an entire year. 365 days, 52 weeks how ever you want to look at it. Thank you for all of the love and joy that you have brought to us each and every day. You have given us all a new and important job and meaning to life. We can't be live that we can love anyone/anything so much and that you are OURS! We love you with all of our hearts Pootie Girl. It has been a great adventure and we are looking forward to many many more!
Your Parents