My life as the queen bee in a house with two princesses, my prince charming, a cat and 3 dogs.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Happy Birthday Papa!!
Happy Birthday to the best baby daddy in the whole wide world. I am so lucky to have such an unbelievable husband and father for my daughter and pets. He is a truly wonderful, loving, supportive and giving man. He teaches me many things about slowing down and taking things in. He is able to make sense of many things that I can't. He ALWAYS figures out a solution to things that I think there is no solution for. He is my balance. He shows me a different more laid back perspective. It is amazing because the things that I love most about him also are the things that drive me the most crazy! I love and adore you daddy! David has the unfortunate birthday of December 26th. Everyone is worn and out and wound down from Christmas! We still celebrate but i feel like we should change the date. Pics to follow!
I heart Catherine

I am not sure how it happens but Catherine and I never seem to get pics together. I was so very excited and happy to get to spend some time with my best girl and sisterish friend! We had such a great time. There is nothing like picking up right where you last left off. Everything is fun with her from Target, to undecorating the Christmas tree, to happy hour. She always knows what I need. Thank you!!
We had an unbelievable Christmas. I mean really it was perfect in every way. Elle and I ran some last minute errands on Christmas Eve while Daddy worked. We then took a nice nap so that we would be rested up for the big night/day. When Daddy got off he relaxed for a little while and then we loaded up ALL of the presents, stockings, stuff and dogs and headed to Meemom's house. We set up shop, listened to Christmas music and dined on some good old 888. We called it a night pretty early. Elle woke up (again with the rash). We waited somewhat patiently for the rest of the famiily to arrive. I made my version of Maudie's pete's tacos and fruit salad for breakfast and fed Elle. We dove into our stockings as soon as Donny, Julie and KC arrived. These were the best stockings that Santa Claus has ever done! Unbelievable. I think it was the best job that I have ever done helping Santa with Meemom's stocking as well. The presents were AWESOME!! Elle didn't feel well all day. Rash, teeth, rash, teeth. After her nap she was so much better. Elle also got to see her grandmommy and jack for the first time in a while. Florida was far away and Elle is glad that they are closer now. Christmas night we feasted as a family like Kings. Meemom really outdid herself. By far the best filet she ever made. Thanks for all the blessings, love and family. We cherish it all!
Pics to follow!
Pics to follow!
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Birthday Party continued
Birthday Party
Happy Birthday to my Baby Elle

A little pre party snack

my new chair


my birthday girl
Elle had a wonderful time at her birthday party. Lots of fammily and friends came out to help her celebrate. Unfourtunately, she only napped for an hour so by 6:00 she was done as in asleep. She was still not interested in the cake. Yet, she enjoyed everyone's company. Elle made out with so much loot it is unreal. She got some pretty awesome stuff. We all got nice and full on Queen's BBQ, deviled eggs (a la Christy) and cakes and salsa by Meemom.
A little pre party snack
my new chair
my birthday girl
Elle had a wonderful time at her birthday party. Lots of fammily and friends came out to help her celebrate. Unfourtunately, she only napped for an hour so by 6:00 she was done as in asleep. She was still not interested in the cake. Yet, she enjoyed everyone's company. Elle made out with so much loot it is unreal. She got some pretty awesome stuff. We all got nice and full on Queen's BBQ, deviled eggs (a la Christy) and cakes and salsa by Meemom.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
It is not hard to count my blessings!!
I am truly blessed. To be surrounded by such wonderful people is just a wonderful gift that keeps on giving. I couldn't ask for a more supportive, loving and fun family. My mother is the most unbelievable woman alive. I only pray that I can be this strong of a force for my own daughter. My husband truly amazes me. After 16 years I am still madly and deeply in love with him. My daughter is truly amazing. My brothers are pretty awesome. My daughter is so in love with her uncles. My pets make live so much more adventurous (even with floors that have to be cleaned daily). My job, (as challenging as it may be)working with children is the best! They remind you of what life is all about. My wonderful friends who keep me sane and make me laugh. To have your very best friends not in the same town makes things a little difficult. But they are only a phone call away. I feel like we are part of each other's every day life even though they are not here. Wouldn't trade ya for the world. I have already decided what my new years resolution will be. Given that this year has flown by, I want to slow things down and take time to celebrate each day and enjoy it. I also want to be the best mother, wife, daughter, friend and teacher that I can be. Love you guys! francie
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Happy Birthday My Baby Elle!!
I can honestly say that I am in pure astonishment that you are already a year old. You are already an unbelievable daughter and little person. You have such a funny little personality. You are so strong willed and determined. You want what you want when you want it. I respect that but also think that sometimes you can't have what you want. You are the sweetest little thing to ever walk the face of the earth. You share kisses with all of the people(especially Uncle KC) and animals that you love. You also love to pat me, daddy and meemom as well as the dogs and cats. You have made a drastic improvement with the pets. You pat instead of ripping hair out most of the time. Your best friend and best teacher is your MeeMom. You absolutely adore her and everything that she does. She has taught you so many things that I can't believe it. Including how to climb up and down stairs something that gives mommy a little anxiety. She also helped you master walking and now you try to run Meemom has taught Mommy a lot about being a Mommy as well. We still LOVE to roll as FrancesX 3. We have so much fun! Your favorite word remains to be Bob (AKA Buddy the bud man buergler). That is fine. You also say Mom, Dad, NaNaNiNi (Meemom) and a few other things but not consistently. You eat lots of stuff (apples, pears, peaches, plums, strawberries, bananas, green beans, peas, beats, brown rice, couscous, cottage cheese, tofu, crackers, toast, eggplant, zucchini, squash, spinach, apricot, kiwi, yogurt and more. Yet avocado and cantaloupe remain as your favorites! You are growing and changing every day. If I ask you where is KC, or meemom or dad, you know right where to look. If I ask you where is buddy or bruce or Lupe you know the difference and look at the correct animal. Crazy. You are such a little sponge and we are blown away by you. Your daddy was explaining his love for you like this. He said that a mommy loves her baby from the beginning of the pregnancy. But for Daddy he was excited about the pregnancy and he loved you when you were born but he can't believe how much more he loves you each day. He is amazed by the way his love grows and grows. I am too. Elle you are such a delight even when you are a fussy pants. You can light up a room with those eyes and that smile. I adore you and am so amazed by all of your accomplishments. I can't believe that it has been an entire year. 365 days, 52 weeks how ever you want to look at it. Thank you for all of the love and joy that you have brought to us each and every day. You have given us all a new and important job and meaning to life. We can't be live that we can love anyone/anything so much and that you are OURS! We love you with all of our hearts Pootie Girl. It has been a great adventure and we are looking forward to many many more!
Your Parents
Your Parents
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Mr. Mom
David played stay at home Dad yesterday. My mom had to go to a funeral in Houston. I, unfortunately couldn't go to the funeral or take off to take care of my girl because I have already used so many days this year. So David and Elle hung out all day. Somehow Daddy got Elle to sleep until 8:15 in the morning, which is pretty much unheard of! They ran several errands together including Home Depot and the fish market. When I came home I found a happy, unscathed baby! Good work Daddy. Daddy went to work out and Elle and I went to the store. When I came home Daddy was fighting the war against these gangster mosquitoes that we have in fish village. Daddy then proceeded to cook an unbelievable meal. (after he peeled his own shrimp). I was a little nervous about how the sauce was going to turn out because it was a little complicated. THIS MEAL WAS FANTASTIC!! Go chef daddy. Good work.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
not sure how i forgot to share this but elle took her first steps on October 15th at her Meemom's house. Mom said she would walk before she turned 11 months and i guess that elle was listening. That Sunday she took about 5 steps for her dada and I. we were able to get video. i will upload it soon. It is pretty great. She continues to take more and more steps. She has taken up to about 11 in a row. She prefers crawling because she is lightning fast. Watch out world! Here she comes.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Monday, November 2, 2009
Elle's Baptism/Halloween

We had a really busy and exciting weekend. Aunt Clare arrived Friday evening. We went to dinner and had a pretty relaxing evening. Elle passed out on the way home from dinner. Aunt Catherine arrived so late Friday night that she came in, ate her gumbo and went to sleep. We didn't see her until bright and early Saturday morning. Elle was so excited to see her two godmommas!! Uncle Will came in town on Saturday. Mom, Clare and I went to get a pedicure while Daddy and Elle rocked out. We ran lots of errands that afternoon. We went to the original with Elle still in her costume for some yummy food and drinks. Then we took our little duck to go see her Meemom. Meemom was busy preparing for the baptismal celebration that she put together for Elle. We went home and went to sleep after a catastrophe in the kitchen involving red pepper. Poor Uncle Will! Sunday was Elle's baptism. It truly was a wonderful day. The weather was unbelievable! My girl was surrounded by tons of people who love and adore her. We were so happy to see everyone. Some of our favorite people live out of town so we don't see them as much as we would like to. It was a beautiful ceremony. Mom had a reception following the baptism. The food was AWESOME! Meemom outdid herself again. The day couldn't have been more perfect than it was! Enjoy the pics!
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Sunday, October 18, 2009
With or Without Bono

Well one of my concert dreams came true this week. I really wanted to get to see U2 when they came to H-Town. David and I worked hard on getting the tickets when they went on sale. We got good seats. We were excited about this date night in particular. Daddy picked me up from Meemom's for our date. Unfortunately, it took almost 2 hours to get to H-Town. The traffic was terrible, so we missed meeting up for cocktails preshow. We grabbed a quick turk sand at Texadelphia and headed to Reliant. We payed $20 to park in a Reliant lot where no one was directing traffic. There were basically no spots left. David was getting hot quickly and began crazy talking the people that worked there. We finally settled for parking illegally to get to the show.
U2 opened up with a couple of new songs and I was a little stressed. Feeling old and nervous, I waited impatiently. During my waiting Bono picked up a girl from out of the crowd and danced with her and allowed her to stay on stage for the whole song. Ummm..hello Bono did you not get the memo. I don't love the drummer anymore. He didn't age near as well as you did. I heart you. I wanted to be the girl on the stage. Oh well. I didn't have to wait long, they rocked the whole damn stadium. The roof was open and the stage set up was an over the top space ship. It was all pretty cool. David and I were so excited to meet up with Kristin and Sean at the show. We have been missing them so much! It was short but always sweet to see them. Casey and Rob came to sit with us as well. We all had an amazing time. Thanks for the pictures Kristin. I got none of my own. Until next time Bono.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Love Your Puppies

this picture is pre-ike but it was the only one i had of all my puppies together (including buddy the budman catdog.)
David and I got Elle down to sleep and began watching Marley and Me. I had heard about the book but have not read it. I thought that the acting was actually pretty good. The story was well written. I liked the movie and then...... Well the last 20 minutes of the movie were spent with me basically hyperventilating. I looked to David for support and he was falling apart as well. Let me add if you saw this movie and didn't cry, I think that you are without a heart. Sorry but I mean really, you are just down right a spineless animal hater. So, after the movie ended David and I tried to pull ourselves together. We called the dogs to have a family spooning session on the living room floor. We wanted them to know how much we loved them. We then asked them to come sleep with us. They didn't completely trust the situation but went for it anyway. Got to love the baby dogs. They ALWAYS love you.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
shopping cart
Elle spends a whole lot of time taking all of her toys out of the basket and throwing them everywhere. She loves it. I had to put to baskets in the living room to accommodate this. At her Meemom's house she has more toys than I can begin to explain in baskets in the living room and meemom and her take them out and put them up several times a day. Daddy taught Elle how to play "shopping cart" while I was having a girls happy hour last Wednesday. Elle stands behind the basket of toys and pushes it down the hallway. She took a few steps on two different occasions for her meemom last week. Mommy and Daddy haven't seen it yet but know it is coming really soon.
Elle looking for something.

And here she is stoked to find what she was looking for (you can see her new bruise)
Elle looking for something.

And here she is stoked to find what she was looking for (you can see her new bruise)

Thursday, October 8, 2009
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Sunday, October 4, 2009
david rocks

I have to say i was a little disappointed that my baby daddy didn't have my birthday present waiting for me. I know we had talked about getting me the new cell phone that i wanted for my birthday but we hadn't done it. I guess I expected him to have my new phone on my birthday with a pretty bow wrapped around it. Well, it didn't happen. Instead I woke up and went to my first day of work. David has always given amazing, well planned and thoughtful gifts. I mean even when we were in high school. So when I came up empty handed I was very sad.
I received a couple of text messages at school saying
"Your present has arrived and it is big!"
when i asked what it is . He simply told me that i had to wait and see and then when i begged. he said that i would use it every day and i have wanted it my whole life. Well he was right. Thank you so much David! You rock and you are still an unbelievable gift giver. You are more than forgiven!! I LOVE MY NEW< BEAUTIFUL BED! It is exactly what I have wanted for so long.!
WELL.. I came home last Thursday to see this....
Thursday, September 24, 2009
we heart target
I asked David to return some stuff to Target. He returned the wrong bag of stuff. This bag included Halloween shirts for my godsons, some clothes for Elle and a few other outfits from baby gap and pottery barn, a used paci, one pink croc, and s a bunch of stuff that I needed for school TOMORROW and a hairbow. David said they wouldn't take this stuff back. Really? I wonder why? Because it was all the stuff that I brought in from the car and needed. The OTHER bag full of Target stuff is that I needed to go back. Good effort. maybe i have one too many target bags.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Never mind the peace signs and smiles, this means war!

This whole weekend we have been assaulted, attacked, lynched and violated.I am officially declaring war on the G-Town Mosquitoes. This is so out of control I can't even believe it. We have had to make battle plans just to make it to the car. My poor dogs don't even want to go outside. After lunch with Onion, we went to check out the Kearney digs (which look great). When we were walking on the side of the house about 25 mosquitoes covered Elle's head. That is not an exaggeration. I was also covered. Ridiculous. My girls head is coated with big red bumps. Her beautiful sensitive skin is so agitated. Look carefully at her face.
My attempt at keeping Elle awake...
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Well, today is the first day of my new position.good thing they changed me from my dream job for the TWO new students that I got. Hopefully more will come soon or else I suppose I might be moved again. I remained pretty healthy in Kindergarten. Give me 3 weeks in PreK and I have the flu and this morning I woke up with my eye stuck together. Looks like pink eye. Awesome. Wash, wash wash your hands. Wash your germs away.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Ladies and Gentlemen, it is officially here

Well today is the official Sunday start of the NFL and in the Buergler household we roll with the NFL Sunday Ticket Super Fan Edition. (much to Mommy's dismay) So now Daddy can watch 8 football games at a time. I mean really, that is completely RIDICULOUS right. And David was explaining to me that he should be able to see 9 games at once but for some stupid reason the Baltimore Kansas City Game wouldn't come up onto the channel that shows all the games simultaneously. He had to tune into that channel to watch it. Come on. I have to say I was excited for Daddy to get to use the NFL ticket this year. I know how much he was looking forward to it. Especially since IKE came last year and demolished everything including the NFL ticket. I know I will grow very annoyed with this very quickly but for now I am going to try to support the boy's football long as I get him Friday, Saturday and Sunday morning. He will have to work a little harder during the week. Maybe some dinners at Yamato, massages for Mommy, flowers etc. He worked hard to recruit Elle...and I am afraid that it might have worked (just a little bit). The top picture shows Elle after some bribery. The second picture shows how seriously Elle was taking the games with Daddy. David also found it necessary to stand that close to the television. Obviously Weezy never schooled David in the dangers of watching the TV so close. Lots to learn.
A couple of pics from month 9 at our HOME
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
The Cult

David, KC and I went to see the Cult at the House of Blues in Htown on Sunday. We dropped the girl off at Meemom's house and headed p to Htown. We had some ritas and texmex at Chuy's and then hit up the show. They rocked. They played all the old songs that we desired to hear. It took us all back to 1991 when we all three (separately)saw Lenny Kravitz open for the Cult. I will never forget getting to go to the big city for the concert. Catherine, Randall and I piled into Aunt Joan's minivan with Vince as the driver. There were more people with us but I am not exactly sure who. To protect the innocent and guilty my reminiscing will stop there. Let's just say I was grounded for like a month after this night. KC was super young and I am not sure how mom ever let him go. He went with Zak. Mom always thought Zak was so responsible. David didn't even recall going. I remembered that he went. He touched Lenny's dreadlocks that night. He talked about it for years. But after 18 years his memory faded a little bit. He was stoked to remember. Good times...Good times. And coming up in October are two of my ALL TIME FAVES-The Allman Brothers and U2
My Poor Pumpkin Pootie
Two weeks ago Daddy went to the Fantasy Football Draft with the Grock boys. Elle and Mommy had plans to have a girls weekend with Meemom. We went to Sonny's for dinner with Uncle Casey and Grandma. Elle was a little more fussy than usual but not too bad. She had a hard time going to sleep that night. When she woke up screaming at 11:30 that night I didn't think much of it. That is until I picked her up to nurse her and she was BURNING UP! I immediately gave her some Tylenol. As I watched it drip out of her mouth and saw that my poor baby was moaning and couldn't even hold her head up; I took her temperature. I was quite alarmed by the 102.7 reading but more alarmed at how hot and lethargic my pumpkin was. I woke up Meemom and we decided to go to the ER. It was an absolute nightmare. They measured her temp rectally at 104.7. We waited and waited and waited for any relief for my baby. They rolled all the veins in her arms and legs trying to get blood to culture so they had to end up putting the IV in her head and taking blood from it. It was a very difficult sight to see. I finally called daddy at 3 or 4 that morning when I realized we weren't going anywhere. The words blood infection, meningitis and brain infection were thrown around. Meemom and Momma were scared. We were admitted into the pedi unit at about 7 Saturday morning. Elle was a tough cookie. She had to give all vitals every 3-4 hours and receive iv antibiotics 3 times a day for 3 days. We had to wait for blood cultures and multiple other tests. We were very nervous, exhausted and uncomfortable. David tagged Meemom out when he got there on Saturday. Elle was so happy to see Daddy and actually smiled as she said DaDa. Meemom came every day and Elle just wanted to lay in her arms. Meemom let daddy and I go home and shower. She rocks. Thanks momma. I wouldn't have made it without you!The hospital room was about the size of a shoe box. David and I alternated sleeping in the hospital crib and a reclining chair. After 3 sleepless nights we were released Monday evening. Elle had a very bad UTI. They even did an ultrasound to make sure kidneys etc developed normally and they did. It is odd for a baby this young. to have a UTI. Hopefully never again. We are almost done with our 10 days of antibiotics. Meemom is taking pootie for a check up with her pediatrician tomorrow. Thank goodness this is behind us! Here's to health and happiness!!
Lessons learned:
Don't go to sleep with deep conditioner in your hair if you might end up in the ER
Bring your pump to the ER if your baby won't eat and you will be there for a total of 4 daysit is not cool when the er doc finally comes in and sees you expressing your milk into the sink with a milk covered shirt on-not hot.
listen to your instinct. i am glad we went when we did
Love love love your baby
Count your blessings
always make meemom stay with me when daddy leaves town
give kc props for the unlimited awesome dog care
Lessons learned:
Don't go to sleep with deep conditioner in your hair if you might end up in the ER
Bring your pump to the ER if your baby won't eat and you will be there for a total of 4 daysit is not cool when the er doc finally comes in and sees you expressing your milk into the sink with a milk covered shirt on-not hot.
listen to your instinct. i am glad we went when we did
Love love love your baby
Count your blessings
always make meemom stay with me when daddy leaves town
give kc props for the unlimited awesome dog care
elle hearts meemom
Day 2 of me rushing across town eagerly awaiting some lovin from my girl. As long as she can give that lovin from the comfort of her meemom's arms, she is cool. She has had little desire to come to me. She is at least some what happy to see me. She still gives kisses but god forbid i try to hold my baby. She is one smart cookie. But hello...i grew you.
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Blog Archive
- After a trip to the beach with Meemom and Momma I ...
- Birthday Party continued
- Birthday Party
- Please keep Michael, Liz and Michael's family in y...
- It is not hard to count my blessings!!
- Happy Birthday My Baby Elle!!
- Mr. Mom
- not sure how i forgot to share this but elle took ...
- Baptism continued
- Elle's Baptism/Halloween
- Happy Halloween Quack Quack
- we heart target
- Never mind the peace signs and smiles, this means ...
- My attempt at keeping Elle awake...
- We LOVED having Meemom stay with us last week whil...
- reaching for the stars
- Well, today is the first day of my new position.go...
- Ladies and Gentlemen, it is officially here
- A couple of pics from month 9 at our HOME
- When Meemom and I went to get our hair done for he...
- The Cult
- My Poor Pumpkin Pootie
- elle hearts meemom
About Me
- francie
- I married the love of my life and high school sweetheart, David, on 6/12/04. I am the mother of baby Elle(born 11/18/08), Lily Grace, (4/26/11) , Grant( 5/14/14),3dogs (Lupe, Bruce and Nina ) . Blessed to have my dream job as a kindergarten teacher❤️