After my 36 week checkup, I was hospitalized overnight to pump me full of iv fluids so that my amniotic fluid would go back up. It was measured at a 5.4 which is too low. If I recall correctly, they have to deliver you at a 5. When I left the hospital my fluid was back up to a 10. I was put on bed rest and not allowed to return to work. So, I missed Punjab, lots of quality time with Catherinea and family and Easter prep. I was beginning to go crazy on day 2. It is very difficult to be on bedrest with a 2 year old, even with an amazing momma and hubby.
My next doc appointment was Monday after Easter. Thank God that I have an amazing doctor who is very thorough. After my exam which showed me dialated to a 1.5, she did another ultrasound to check the fluid and it was low again. Due to the fact that their was some calcification of my placenta and I was 37 weeks and some change (which is considered full term) She told me it was time to have a baby! Thank goodness baby daddy was there with me. We had packed bags just in case. I figured if we were prepared we would be sent home. I was overwhelmed with emotion. Scared, feeling not ready and really yearning to hug on my Elle. After we got checked in and settled I felt better. David went to get us some dinner and I got IV's etc and then the dreaded Cervadil.
All night I was in pain. I even took them up on the ambien and pain medicine that did nothing. I couldn't sleep at all. I listened to David's C Pap machine and clutched the arm rails of the bed. The plan was to take the cervadil out at 7, let me shower and start the pitocin. Then Dr. Blackwell would be there and mom would arrive around 10 am. Well, Lily had plans of her own. My water broke right before 6 am. I called for the nurses, who called my doc and david called mom. Cervadil came out When they checked me I was already at a 6. Five minutes later I was at an 8. Finally the epidural came. I thought I might die. Well Mom made it and Dr. Blackwell. They found out that Lily was facing backwards and her head was kind of bent. They had to get creative and I had to get strong. I had to get on all fours after the epidural and try to hope that Lily turned around. I had to stay like this for 45 minutes. Talk about letting go of your inhibition, wow. Then I had to sit up and let her "fall". When blackwell came back she said I could push. She said she saw tons of blond hair! I pushed for only about 10 minutes or 3 rounds of pushing and out came my baby girl. She had a side cone head from being in there funny. Nothing like Elle had. Her head was about half the size of Elle's. This pushing part was cake compared to the 3 hours I pushed with Elle.
Lily was born!! She is here. Meemom cut the umbilical cord and Daddy looked on proudly. Pics to follow. Can't believe we are a family of four. Amazing how much easier it seems the second time around!
Pics to follow....