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My life as the queen bee in a house with two princesses, my prince charming, a cat and 3 dogs.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Baby Buergler # 2
We went to our big ultrasound on Friday and everything looks GREAT. Baby girl is growing and growing and so am I. Elle and Meemom joined us on this special occasion. The night before David had stated that his vote for the name was Lily Grace. He felt confident about his pick. Oddly enough the sonographer told us after confirming that it is another girl that she always wanted to name her daughter Lily Grace! A little too weird. It looks like it might be a done deal. It has been so much more difficult to come up with a name for this baby than Elle. I will add the ultrasound pictures soon!
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Baby Buergler # 2
We were told at 14 weeks that bb#2 is another girl. We have our big ultrasound on Friday and will hopefully find out for sure. I am happy to announce that I feel human again. I have felt better since Thanksgiving. Thank goodness because I wasn't sure that I was going to survive. This pregnancy was harder on my body initially that Elle's was. The vomiting and nausea got really old quickly. It is so true that when you have a little one running around it makes your pregnancy a little tiring! Can't wait to see this little sweet baby on Friday. Will update with pictures!
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Thursday, September 2, 2010
We Re flying to Oklahoma and then driving to Arkansas this weekend. Elle has flown twice in her life thus far. She went to Vegas when she was 4 months old and then to NYC and NJ when she was 6 months old. Yet two main differences we have never flown without Meemom. I was nursing her both other times we flew. Now I am not sure what to do about the ears and to provide her comfort. Before if all else failed give her booby. It worked overtime. Well now what? And no Meemom? Elle can't stand to be away from Meemom for 8 hours much less four days!! Pray for us and the other people on the plane! It will be an exciting trip for Elle. She will be meeting most of Daddy's family for the first time ever. She is excited. She hasn't seen momo since she was about a month old. She hasn't seen grandmommy since February I think and jack since before that. She has grown so much and I know everyone will be excited to see one another. She is super excited to meet her family and catch up with everyone. Will keep ya updated!
we are still here!
Better late than never. found this in the drafts
Elle and I got so caught up in summertime that I was finding myself forgetting to write down our fun times. Highlights of Elle's summer: she stopped nursing. It was the most difficult thing I think that we have done but we did it! The N.J.(Yankee) burgers came for a much anticipated visit! We spent some great quality time with our cousins and aunt Catherine. I miss them dearly. Hard having your bestial live all the way across the country!!! Mommy and daddy went on a much needed anniversary trip to New Orleans. We took a girls trip (Frances x 3) to Wimberley. We then met up at Nana and Pap's house in Canyon Lake for a long weekend on the river. David, john cat and I even git to see the Gourds at Greene Hall. We had a blast! Summer time was wonderful. Elle loves the pool. I kind of can't believe its over. School is back in session and Mommy is back to work! Elle could be happier about being back at Meemom school. Although she misses sleeping in until 8 or 8:30. Me too sista me too.
Elle and I got so caught up in summertime that I was finding myself forgetting to write down our fun times. Highlights of Elle's summer: she stopped nursing. It was the most difficult thing I think that we have done but we did it! The N.J.(Yankee) burgers came for a much anticipated visit! We spent some great quality time with our cousins and aunt Catherine. I miss them dearly. Hard having your bestial live all the way across the country!!! Mommy and daddy went on a much needed anniversary trip to New Orleans. We took a girls trip (Frances x 3) to Wimberley. We then met up at Nana and Pap's house in Canyon Lake for a long weekend on the river. David, john cat and I even git to see the Gourds at Greene Hall. We had a blast! Summer time was wonderful. Elle loves the pool. I kind of can't believe its over. School is back in session and Mommy is back to work! Elle could be happier about being back at Meemom school. Although she misses sleeping in until 8 or 8:30. Me too sista me too.
This Week in Our Lives
Monday, June 28, 2010
Weekend with the V clan and Uncle Will
Take two, found this in drafts
We had such a fun and exciting weekend! Zak, Amanda, Maddie, Brooke, Uncle Will and one unwelcome visitor came to visit us this weekend. Friday evening we all headed over to Shrimp n Stuff for some yummy seafood with our guests, Meemom and Casey! They forgot to order David, Elle and my food so it took forever so we got it to go. We stayed up talking for a little bit. By Saturday the girls had decided that they liked out doggies. Saturday morning we all geared up and headed to our own "private beach" for the first annual Beachapooloza (sp) lots of tents, drinks,fruit,kids, sun etc. and we had a great time. Saturday afternoon as we were relaxing and hanging out, Will got into an argument with a rattle snake that somehow made it's way into our back yard. He and Zak saved us all and were able to kill it and chop off it's head. Needless to say, I have yet to play in the back yard again. Saturday night we made watermelon margaritas and the boys had a poker tourney. We ended the weekend with some yummy mexican breakfast and a swim at the GCC. We miss them already! Can't wait for them to come back.
We had such a fun and exciting weekend! Zak, Amanda, Maddie, Brooke, Uncle Will and one unwelcome visitor came to visit us this weekend. Friday evening we all headed over to Shrimp n Stuff for some yummy seafood with our guests, Meemom and Casey! They forgot to order David, Elle and my food so it took forever so we got it to go. We stayed up talking for a little bit. By Saturday the girls had decided that they liked out doggies. Saturday morning we all geared up and headed to our own "private beach" for the first annual Beachapooloza (sp) lots of tents, drinks,fruit,kids, sun etc. and we had a great time. Saturday afternoon as we were relaxing and hanging out, Will got into an argument with a rattle snake that somehow made it's way into our back yard. He and Zak saved us all and were able to kill it and chop off it's head. Needless to say, I have yet to play in the back yard again. Saturday night we made watermelon margaritas and the boys had a poker tourney. We ended the weekend with some yummy mexican breakfast and a swim at the GCC. We miss them already! Can't wait for them to come back.
Where did month 18 and half of 19 go?
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Happy 6th Anniversary Pa!

June 12 2004

sometime in 1993
Happy Anniversary to my boy and I. Six wonderful years of marriage! This past year has been one of the most exciting and challenging years yet. We have learned how to balance parenthood and marriage a whole lot better! We consider ourselves very very lucky for many reasons. First and foremost we found each other- our soul mates. It seems pretty rare these days. We are also lucky to have found each other so early on in life and know that this was the real deal. That is more than half of my life. We have grown together and know that we can pretty much handle whatever comes my way. We have outlasted many many things and happily! On a daily basis I am reminded how lucky I really am. David is a very kind and giving person who always finds the good in all situations. He is an amazing friend, husband and Daddy! Happy Anniversary We love growing with you every day and for the rest of my life!
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Mini Piggy Tails
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Well yesterday I took my Pre-K class to the H-town zoo for our field trip. We had a rocking time. The weather wasn't too hot and the kids were stoked as was I except for one thing. I felt like I was completely cheating on Pootie J. I mean here I am at one of her favorite places of all times; checking out all of the "bobs" WITH OTHER PEOPLE'S CHILDREN. Now, most of my students had never been to the zoo so it was so cool to see their excitement. Yet, every time I saw a stroller with a baby in it. I felt so sad and shady. I truly felt like I was cheating. So, to make myself feel better I went to the gift shop and bought pootie a purple purse with a little bob in it as well as a moon book that lights up. It made me feel better temporarily.
Monday, May 10, 2010
How much for just one rib?
The Buergler Clan had a super busy weekend. We kicked it off Friday evening. We passed up Sonny's this week to attend the sponsor party for the Yaga's Wild Game Cook off. David and Uncle Steve had been there from noon on. I didn't make it down until 7:30ish. We drank and ate and drank and ate. Elle had a BIG suprise for us she was still awake at MIDNIGHT when we got to Meemom's house. We couldn't believe it. She has never been awake that late. POOR MEEMOM. She had her since 7:30 in the AM. Anyway we headed home and crashed. Elle fell asleep in the car on the way home-thank goodness. Saturday Elle and Bruce got to go to the cookoff as well. There was a petting zoo, jumpy house and balloons for the kiddos. There was lots of love and rib bones for Bruce. Bruce is famous at the cookoff. Numerous tents were calling him by name to share their love and affection and food with him. Bruce ate it up. He will probably sleep for two days now. Lupe was not so happy. I know she knows where we were. There is no way to hide that smell. I don't want to smell BBQ until next year. I HATE that residual smell. We had a whole lot of fun. Steve and David worked hard and represented OMG WTF BBQ beautifully! Elle really liked Steve immediately. She has good taste. He is a great guy! Sunday we met the fam at Mario's to celebrate Mother's Day. Not sure if I have told y'all before but i have HANDS DOWN the most amazing mother in the whole entire world. I actually feel bad for everyone that is not her child. She is the most loving, supportive, funny, sweet and beautiful person that I have ever met. The life lessons that I have learned from her are unbelievable. Her outlook on things has taught me so much. I strive to become more and more like her. Her strength has guided me throughout my whole life. Watching her with Elle is the most unbelievable thing that I have ever seen. I love it. They are two peas in a pod. She gets so much from her Meemom now. It brings me true happiness to watch it happening. I Love you Momma. And I got some beautiful flowers and a sweet card from daddy and elle. Meemom gave me a massage and pedicure for mother's day. (i still don't know why she bought me a present on mother's day but i am not complaining. ) And Uncle KC, Aunt Clare, and Grandmommy also sent sweet sweet cards! Thanks to all and Happy Mother's Day until next year.
Friday, May 7, 2010
Monday, April 26, 2010
Beach Baby
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
No Air Conditioning Repair Woman Here
Ever since Elle saw us changing the AC vents she is completely freaked out by them. I mean COMPLETELY!!! Literally each time we walk by the vents in the ceiling she points, makes a terrible face and says a petrified voice. She has no begun to notice these vents at other people's houses and even stores and restraunts. WTF... We tell her Daddy fixed it each time she points at it and she seems OK with this explanation. It seems to have improved things. When this first began she wouldn't even walk through the rooms that have vents in the ceiling by herself. Another little interesting tidbit is Elle remains just a little OCD. She likes her things in ORDER!! She is constantly "helping" me by wiping things down with her wipes and putting things in other things. She loves to help me put the dishes away in her cabinet. She grunts at her Daddy with a mad face and a pointed finger when he leaves his clothes in the middle of the floor. HILARIOUS!! She is not big on dirt on her hands either. It truly freaks her out. Although yesterday while walking down to the Charpenteirs house pushing her shopping cart she stepped in every single water puddle there was to step in. Once she was done she pointed to her shoes, made the face and fussed at me as if to say-woman why am i wearing wet shoes and socks right now. She is too funny!!!!
Monday, April 19, 2010
Well I wasn't able to drag my butt out of bed until 5:30 this morning which means I missed my workout. Not the way I like to start my week. So sad for me. Elle woke up crying a few times last night and I am not sure why. I am sure that it interfered with my 7 consecutive hours of sleep. I am dragging today. Tired...mentally and physically. I really just wanted to stay in bed and maybe watch a movie in this yuckyish weather. I was a little bummed and then realized I was being dramatic when I SAW this....

Time is fluttering by... ONLY 32 MORE DAYS OF SCHOOL. HOLY YOU KNOW WHAT! I can do this. i really can. I will get my butt out of bed and get on that machine for the next 6-7 weeks at the butt crack of dawn. Yes sirree I will. I think I can I think I can. Motivation= sleeping late with pootie j, beach, pool, sun, summer, shopping CHILLING ......

Time is fluttering by... ONLY 32 MORE DAYS OF SCHOOL. HOLY YOU KNOW WHAT! I can do this. i really can. I will get my butt out of bed and get on that machine for the next 6-7 weeks at the butt crack of dawn. Yes sirree I will. I think I can I think I can. Motivation= sleeping late with pootie j, beach, pool, sun, summer, shopping CHILLING ......
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Happy Anniversary
Happy anniversary to two very special couples! Amanda and Zak have been married for ELEVEN years today. John and Cat have been married for FOURTEEN years! WOW congrats to you both. WE love you.
Friday, April 16, 2010
One Way to My Heart
David returned from a conference in Houston yesterday evening with a bottle of Stella in my hand. I have gone without my favorite perfume for a few months now and it was killing me. Thanks Dad, I love it! How thoughtful and sweet you are
Diecesiete mesas
Angel Girl,
You grow and change every day and that is so not an exaggeration. You are truly amazing. Your dad and I have perfected our morning and evening routine. We are quite pleased with ourselves. You, you just roll with it. You are sleeping later allowing Momma to roll out of bed at 5 am to get a workout in. That is right people five am. I enjoy it once i am up but it is SO early. You have been very cooperative with the Meemom this month as well. Quite easy to put down for nap. In the past you fought it with all of your will. You are also getting to the point where you understand bribery or rationale a little bit. You continue to climb and run and dance and sing. You dance in your car seat to many different types of music. The animals still top your list. Day or night, you wake up and almost daily your first word is Bob. You need to know where he is and what he is doing before we can start our day! You and Daddy have been taking a daily evening walk in the evening while I cook dinner. We have actually all been sitting together and eating AT A TABLE for the first time since you were born. We go out to eat quite a bit but could never figure out how to get our evenings to work well enough for this. WE DID IT. Yay for mom and dad only took us 17 months.... oh well.
You love to show off for special visitors. You adore your uncle KC and love to show him all of your new tricks as quickly as possible when he arrives. Sometimes you try them all at once. You are quite the flirt. Momma has really been making a conscious effort to slow down and enjoy all of these special moments that seem to flying by. You always have time for a smile, hug or kiss and I love it. You are a really funny girl. You can always get a legitimate laugh from me, your daddy and anyone else who pays attention. You are something else and so silly. You have added moon, dog and the occasional dude to your vocabulary. Mommy and Daddy really need to pay more attention to the wordsd that come out of their mouths because you are trying to repeat things. Everything else you just say uhm and point. Mommy has not quite figured out how to wean you completely. We have made progress but you are not quite ready yet. We will keep working and in time it will happen. I love you so much princess.
You grow and change every day and that is so not an exaggeration. You are truly amazing. Your dad and I have perfected our morning and evening routine. We are quite pleased with ourselves. You, you just roll with it. You are sleeping later allowing Momma to roll out of bed at 5 am to get a workout in. That is right people five am. I enjoy it once i am up but it is SO early. You have been very cooperative with the Meemom this month as well. Quite easy to put down for nap. In the past you fought it with all of your will. You are also getting to the point where you understand bribery or rationale a little bit. You continue to climb and run and dance and sing. You dance in your car seat to many different types of music. The animals still top your list. Day or night, you wake up and almost daily your first word is Bob. You need to know where he is and what he is doing before we can start our day! You and Daddy have been taking a daily evening walk in the evening while I cook dinner. We have actually all been sitting together and eating AT A TABLE for the first time since you were born. We go out to eat quite a bit but could never figure out how to get our evenings to work well enough for this. WE DID IT. Yay for mom and dad only took us 17 months.... oh well.
You love to show off for special visitors. You adore your uncle KC and love to show him all of your new tricks as quickly as possible when he arrives. Sometimes you try them all at once. You are quite the flirt. Momma has really been making a conscious effort to slow down and enjoy all of these special moments that seem to flying by. You always have time for a smile, hug or kiss and I love it. You are a really funny girl. You can always get a legitimate laugh from me, your daddy and anyone else who pays attention. You are something else and so silly. You have added moon, dog and the occasional dude to your vocabulary. Mommy and Daddy really need to pay more attention to the wordsd that come out of their mouths because you are trying to repeat things. Everything else you just say uhm and point. Mommy has not quite figured out how to wean you completely. We have made progress but you are not quite ready yet. We will keep working and in time it will happen. I love you so much princess.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
I know I know
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About Me
- francie
- I married the love of my life and high school sweetheart, David, on 6/12/04. I am the mother of baby Elle(born 11/18/08), Lily Grace, (4/26/11) , Grant( 5/14/14),3dogs (Lupe, Bruce and Nina ) . Blessed to have my dream job as a kindergarten teacher❤️