Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Lily Grace

Slow your role sister. You are already six weeks old! I can't believe it. You were just born last week or so it seems. We really really really love you. You are such a sweet girl. Born with a head full of blonde hair and tan skin (thanks to jaundice). You are such a cuddle buggy. Sweet as sugar. You go with your flow and let your sister run the show, for now.
I already can't imagine what life was like before you were here. You are growing so fast. Last week I took you back to the doctor to check on your jaundice. The corners of your eyes still have a tinge of yellow and I wanted to make sure that you were OK. Your bilirubin level was a 7.8, which is fine. They took some blood from your heel to rule out some scary stuff and diagnosed you with breastfeeding jaundice. Basically, keep doing what we are doing and it will go away eventually! You did have 4 heel sticks in a row, in the first week of life. Your bilirubin level was high and we were fighting going to the hospital. We won, finally. At your appointment last week you already weighed 10.9 lbs and were 21 inches long. That is a 3 pound gain and you grew a whole inch. You nurse like a champ!
I had forgotten how much I love this newborn age. I adore it and you. Some nights you sleep really well in 4 hour increments and some not so much! Your poor tummy gives you trouble but I am hoping this will go away soon.
We love you so much my Lily Girl!!

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About Me

I married the love of my life and high school sweetheart, David, on 6/12/04. I am the mother of baby Elle(born 11/18/08), Lily Grace, (4/26/11) , Grant( 5/14/14),3dogs (Lupe, Bruce and Nina ) . Blessed to have my dream job as a kindergarten teacher❤️