Sunday, September 18, 2011

Elle's firs week of school

We skipped the official first week of school because we were out of town, so Elle started her first week of school at Moody last week. We got home in the late afternoon Sunday evening and scrambled around to get unpacked after being out of town for almost a week. Elle was so happy to be home with all of her stuff. I was worried that she still wasn't feeling well and well just worried in general about the whole school thing. David, being the sense of reason, said he really thought if she was feeling ok she needed to start school Monday. I knew he was right but kept coming up with reason after reason of why we should wait until Wednesday. Well, I told her right before bed that as long as she felt ok we would be starting school in the morning. She was so excited. She has been asking about starting school since we toured the school a month ago. She was still super excited in the morning, new clothes, new backpack, new and exciting adventure. Once we got there she was a little nervous but ok. When it was time for me to leave she grabbed onto me and held on for dear life screaming and crying IT WAS AWFUL. I have been on the teacher end of this before and it is no fun either but it sucks a million times more when it is your baby. I walked out of the classroom after the teacher pulled her off of me and lost it. Full blown balling. I just left my baby in a strange place with strange people scared out of her mind. What kind of parent am I. Her Daddy was as bad off as I was. We truly were questioning our decision. We decided to do this to give Elle a little time to make friends her own age basically. She has learned so much "academic" stuff from meemom that I feel like she is way ahead of where she "needs" to be. We are doing it for social reasons. She goes MWF from 9-12. As David was leaving to go to work ( he was ahead of me) she saw him from outside on the playground. She was rattling the bars of the playground screaming hysterically, Daddy come with you. Help Daddy. Help. David had to ask the teacher to take her back inside so she didn't have to watch both of us drive away. We barely made it. I went to my mom's and cried and David joined us over there. We basically convinced ourselves that we should take her out of this sick factory that it wasnt worth it. She cried almost the whole 3 hours she was there. This really killed us. David met Meemom, Lily and I at school to pick her up and we all celebrated our survival at the Rainforest Cafe. Wednesday I took her by myself. It was hard, she knew what was happening and was openly nervous. She cried a little less in the morning and when I picked her up they said she did so much better. She said she only cried 3 times. Friday came around and she was excited and nervous. She wants Lily and I to stay with her. There was much less crying when I left her and the teacher told David she did even better. So progress is being made. Her Daddy took her for ice cream as a friday treat. We survived week 1 and hopefully week 2 will be even better because Momma will be back at work come week 3 :(. Side note, after being there for a total of 6 hours (3 on mon and 3 on wed) she already had a minor cough and runny nose. Pray for super duper immune systems and strong parents.

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About Me

I married the love of my life and high school sweetheart, David, on 6/12/04. I am the mother of baby Elle(born 11/18/08), Lily Grace, (4/26/11) , Grant( 5/14/14),3dogs (Lupe, Bruce and Nina ) . Blessed to have my dream job as a kindergarten teacher❤️